At my cabin in the mountains there are many deep springs. As in deep pools of water bubbling up from below, with temperatures ranging from cool to dangerous. The water below ground is visible because the mantle of the Earth is a little thinner here. Even though I know where the springs are, they’re always somehow a bit of a surprise, a catching of breath, a tender mercy of heat on a snow day or chill in a heat wave.
Since I love playing with words, I’m thinking of Spring (the season), in the same way. Here I was, trudging through the mud and rain, and I come upon a clearing. A deep pool. Not too cold, not too hot, a blessing of refreshment and inspiration.Deep Spring.
A reminder. Hope. Possibility. Recently I read about a celebrity who had a tattoo that read EDAND. I can’t remember who it was, but those letters stuck in my mind. Each Day a New Day. I try to make this my spiritual practice year round, but this time of year it bubbles to the surface, accessible. I can dip my cup or my body in it and feel the refreshment.
This is the essence of the season. The spring that bubbles up to surprise and delight and refresh. Not just now, but each and every day of the calendar.
Just a bit easier to experience in May.
EDAND. A tattoo on my mind. A reflection in the world around me during this fresh time of year.
A deep spring. May you experience this New Day every morning of this season of possibilities.