Einstein famously said that the most important decision we can make as humans is whether or not the universe is kind. As I’ve practiced Positive Paranoia in my life, I’ve looked for evidence of a kind universe for the last forty years. Based on lots of evidence, my own jury has pretty much already decided. But my mind is still open to new proof.
A few years ago my son awakened in the night with his bed on fire. He got out alive, even though the Burn Center doctor said he shouldn’t have awakened because of lack of oxygen to the brain. His apartment hit flash point and exploded a minute after he got himself out. He was flown to a Burn Center in a medically induced coma. We moved to the city to be with him.
At the same time, I was training in The Work of Byron Katie. One of my favorite questions: What if the Universe is kind? “How could this (situation) be a good thing?” became my mantra and my koan (a zen riddle used to break through the barriers of the intellect). I just kept looking for the possibility that this could be true. Each day was so full of kindness from the nurses and doctors. Our friends came with prayers and healing. Our beloved community back at home flocked to support him with benefit concerts and love. Each day that bandages were removed, the results were beyond anyone’s expectations. The list of evidence of a friendly universe took on its own momentum, like a snowball that just kept rolling. By the time he was released it could have buried the town.
And it just kept coming. It’s been almost seven years now, and he has been able to reclaim (and improve upon) the life he was living before. With a trauma of such severity, it’s been a long but steady road to physical and emotional recovery. But what I have discovered is that it is his road. And that makes my universe . . . and his . . . a whole lot friendlier.
Photo by frhuynh, stockvault.net