Peace Beyond Belief

I’m about to head off for a 5-day retreat at my favorite hot springs. (Here in Oregon at this time of year, hot springs are perfect because we’re still in our long spring season). I’m preparing the materials, going to the Farmer’s Market for local flowers, flowing from here in the valley to there in the mountains.

Peaceful. As long as I remember to notice when beliefs would pull me out of the flow. (“I’m in charge and something will go wrong,” leading to “I’m not good enough,” or “I’ll make a ton of mistakes.”

Sometimes just noticing is enough, sometimes I need to sit down with a pen and write it out. Which is what I just did after my morning meditation. I dumped them all out on the page, did some inquiry, and at this moment I truly understand why I’m doing this. I’m in the peace beyond belief.

Not all my friends and clients can be there in the mountains with us, of course, but each of us can choose to move to the land beyond belief when we remember to pause, slow down the mind, ask a few questions, find the flow of reality, which is peace. Join us in finding (and re-finding) the Peace Beyond Belief.

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